The Video connection
My Promeo
A new way to send a video greeting, promotional or informational video
My Promeo
1 or 2 short video clips with a message from you
My Photeo
A 5 or 6 photo montage with a message from you
My Presenteo
A short PowerPoint presentation turned into a video with voice-over narration
My Discusseo
A longer, discussion-oriented PowerPoint presentation turned into a video
My Bookeo
A 60-120 second book trailer with 11-20 photos, music, and voice-over narration
With these formats you can also create:
My Filmeo
A 60-120 second script or film trailer with 11-20 photos, music, and voice-over narration.
Promote your product, service, book, film, or business
All Promeos Include:
A video clip, series of photos, or PowerPoint turned into a video
A link to your website, book page, or sales page
Music or sound effects at the beginning and end of your video
Your contact information

Use your own short video, photos, or PowerPoint turned into a video.
Or choose the video or photos from our extensive catalog organized by subject, or let our video staff select the video or photos for you.
Then, select the music or sound effects for the opening and close, and write a short message using our samples as a guide.
(Or we can select the music or sound effects and write the copy for you.)
Once we have your video clip, photos, or PowerPoint video, plus the files for your copy and your music or sound effects, we create the Promeo, Photeo, Presenteo, Discusseo, or Bookeo for you within 3 days as an MP4 file

Choose From 5 Main Types:
My Promeo
- A short video clip with a message from you
My Photeo
- A 5 or 6 photo montage with a message from you
My Presenteo
- A short video presentation based on a Power Point you provide
My Discusseo
- A longer presentation based on a Power Point designed to start a discussion
My Bookeo
- A Video trailer for your Book
Use it however you want.
Say hello to a friend, relative, or business associate
Promote your product, service, book or business
Share on your website, social media, or YouTube channel
Send a birthday or holiday greeting to your favorite people